domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

My best friend

She is Eddy, is my best friend, we are very diferent people, usually I disagree, she  have very diferent points of view but she is a great person, she studies law and she is very smart, she like the regueaton and me either, she hate the mathematics and me too, whatever, she has a good personality and i love it.

Mateo J. Diaz Arias.
Course 5

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Radio Show about Celia Cruz


Things in common (best Friend)
Next we are going to speak about the Celia’s best friend and the things that they have in common
The Celia’s best friend was her husband Pedro knight, they had many things in common but the most important thing was the music because they loved salsa music also, they had in common that they were in the same salsa band they   went to visit the same places, they went to visit many countries, and they had the same friends finally, they enjoyed their lifes together.
We want to listen to different opinions about the Celia’s best friend
Hello: what do you think about Celia’s best friend?

Hello my name is lina and I am calling from New Jersey this my opinion about the topic
Celia was born in Cuba and her best friend too.
Really, they were music Lovers. 
They belonged to Cuban orchestra Sonora Matansera, She was singer and he played the trumpet. 
Also, they had in common that Celia Cruz was (Cuban- American) and her best friend too.
Celia was synonymous of salsa, love and humility and her best friend too.
Celia Cruz had cancer and her best friend too.
Also, Celia died in a hospital and her best friend too
Really is very sad for me, because, they were very special persons, and Celia was spectacular singer

Celia Cruz was a very happy woman.
She liked meet people and help.
Her husband was called Pedro Knight, and was also her best friend.
Celia loved music, Peter too. Celia was born in Cuba, Pedro too. Celia was part of the Combo La Sonora Matancera, Peter too. Celialived in New Jersey, Peter too. Celia's favorite food was Cuban, Pedro too. Celia did not like going to the doctor, to Peter either..  

Luz Saider

Celia said that there are some ways for healthy life: 
She ate breakfast every morning
She add fish and omega 3 fatty acids to her diet ( because it has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease)
She drunk 6 or 8 wather´s glasses day/ and she believed that decaffeinated tea is better because it has antioxidant effect
She get enough sleep; she tryed to sleep at last six or seven hours each night
She practiced physical activity day/. She said " moving your body has immediate benefits"
She always sweared sun creen whit SPF 15 or higher for protected her skin

Hello, my name is Erika and I am calling from Medellin. Also, I really love to Celia Cruz.  She was a wonderful woman.  She had got some very good habits and for this Celia lived very happy all her life.
The most important was that Celia worked with a lot of love.
She liked to walk in the mornings. She didn´t like to eat junk food, She doesn´t smoke or drink.
Celia Cruz was an excellent dancer. She, of course, danced salsa.
When she was dancing and singing, she was transmitting good energy to people.
She didn´t love handcrafts because She always was very busy preparing her music.
I want to say that, I wish a lot persons can have healthy habits such as Celia Cruz.

Interest and Hobbies..

Juan Diego

Ibeth and Angelica
When she was a teenager, she lulled to her cousins with lullabies, in this way she began to sing. She saw dancers and singers trough to the windows and she want to be like them. Her father was never agree with her, but her mother was always helped to her. She studied for to be a teacher she didn't like it. She loved the music and she leaved her university because she wants to sing. Then she studied in Music National Conservatory in Habana-Cuba. She was a principal voice in The Sonora Matancera.
Celia Cruz was actress too, she acted in movies such as “los reyes del mambo” and “Cuando Salí de Cuba”, Both movies were showing the histories of the first exiles.

Hello Johana  Is posible you review our work because Paula was very 

busy with her grandmother.

Classmates, Paula  apologized for this inconvenient

jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

The music in the word.

Hello girls
This week we talk about music in the word, we express that we think. This exercise is very interesting because we practice speaking and improvise, was also very funny  because each represents a different genre.
My opinion about the music is:
The music is the language of the soul, is the expression of the sentiments independent of the genre. Music is the language of the soul, the music is aggressive, passionate, funny,  sad, music is expression, no drugs, no alcohol, no death.
By Juan Diego Ramírez T.

martes, 14 de junio de 2011


Hi all. This is my opinion about the last class…

The music is the muses art´s. It is an artistic manifestation of the culture and of highest spirit to man.  I think that the music is a basic need to men, because this has been its companion since early of its history. For express that is the music for me I want to quote this extract to a poem:

“I am the music. The oldest of the arts. In all history I have inspired all people with hope, I have guided their love, I have gave voice to their happiness, I have motivated to their bravery acts, and I have softened their in moments to despair. I have played an important paper in the drama of life. Through of my influence, the humanity has been elevated, softened and refined […]”

I loved it the last exercise, because beyond practice to speaking and improvise, we can understood that the music independently of its gender, it is in the heart of everyone, in all languages, in all lands and in all kind of people (ignorant, analphabet, rich or poor). The music directs at all in an idiom that all we can feel, through the voices of our souls.

Ok. That is all.
See you!

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


The last class was very interesting because we can explain differents types of music around in the world. We can say that music is like a culture. Clothes wearing for each type of music is some distinctive too. We learn that music is passionating, exciting, relaxing, amusing, and it's depend of type and the moment that you listen it.

I like a lot of type of music and I respect the other people and their music. But I don't like that some singer make the music something vulgar.

Well. and I think that the last class was interesting. We learn when we play and this is very enrich for us.

Thanks so much everybody!!

Angélica C.


The last class was very interesting for me because I knew different musical genres.
I think music is the best way for us to release emotions.
It is very relaxing, all depends on our state of mind.
If you listen to reggae music, rock music, romantic music, it does not mean that you are a drug addict a crazy or depressive person.
Personally, I like to listen romantic music and I am not depressive. I am very romantic.
In addiction, what really matters is what you think and what you have in your heart.

the last class

The last class we are speaking about kinds of music, I think that it is very interesting because we could learn and I could listen to different opinions about music, we said that The music is a good expression in all countries in the world and, the music is beautiful. It is an expression and, with la music you can tell many things that you are feeling, you can demonstrate opinions, feelings, thoughts, states of mind and interests. The music listens to depend of the place and the moment. If you want relaxing, you can listen to pop, Instrumental music, reggae, instrumental or the other music. If you want dancing, you can listen to Merengue, Salsa and Vallenato. Finally, I think that the music is amusing, exciting, great, interesting, relaxing or passionate all depend how you are feeling.