martes, 14 de junio de 2011


Hi all. This is my opinion about the last class…

The music is the muses art´s. It is an artistic manifestation of the culture and of highest spirit to man.  I think that the music is a basic need to men, because this has been its companion since early of its history. For express that is the music for me I want to quote this extract to a poem:

“I am the music. The oldest of the arts. In all history I have inspired all people with hope, I have guided their love, I have gave voice to their happiness, I have motivated to their bravery acts, and I have softened their in moments to despair. I have played an important paper in the drama of life. Through of my influence, the humanity has been elevated, softened and refined […]”

I loved it the last exercise, because beyond practice to speaking and improvise, we can understood that the music independently of its gender, it is in the heart of everyone, in all languages, in all lands and in all kind of people (ignorant, analphabet, rich or poor). The music directs at all in an idiom that all we can feel, through the voices of our souls.

Ok. That is all.
See you!

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