sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

Luz Saider´s homework

Gossip News
The Gossip News interviewed Lina Zapata . Lina is textile designer. She answered questions about her interests.
GN:  What are yuor hobbies?
LZ: I enjoy dancing and watching T.V. because it´s very relaxing for me.             
GN: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
LZ: I enjoy staying with my family and I go out to party with my husband and my friends on Saturday.
GN: Would you like to play any instrument?
LZ:  I don´t play anything and I don´t like neither.
GN:  Are you good at sport?
LZ:   Yes, I play volleyball.  I practice it on weekend.
GN: Are you interested in learning new things?
LZ:  Yes, I´m interested in learning about new machine of textile design.   

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