lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


The last class was very interesting because we can explain differents types of music around in the world. We can say that music is like a culture. Clothes wearing for each type of music is some distinctive too. We learn that music is passionating, exciting, relaxing, amusing, and it's depend of type and the moment that you listen it.

I like a lot of type of music and I respect the other people and their music. But I don't like that some singer make the music something vulgar.

Well. and I think that the last class was interesting. We learn when we play and this is very enrich for us.

Thanks so much everybody!!

Angélica C.

1 comentario:

  1. Really interesting what you said. It is important to take into account "Respect" when other have diferent points of view. Nice Angélica!
