lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011


She is my best friend
 Her name is Sandra, she is 23 years old and she lives in Guatapé. We are friends since 15 years ago, for this reason we have many things in common. for example: she likes to go out on weekends and me too, she likes to pop music and me too but she doesn’t like popular music and me neither, we like go to church together, also we go to swimming pool, she likes to swimming and me too. We like to do many things.
She is my best friend because she is always with me, when I am sad sick or happy she is unconditional, she has many qualities.
She is funny because she likes to tell jokes, she is friendly because she has many friend, she is honest because she grew up in a very nice family, she is understamble because she always understand me, she is comprehensive because she always asking me how I’m feeling, she is solidary because she helps many people, she is cute because is a very nice person, she is intelligent because she likes to study, she is very special because she is an important person in my life.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


My best friend is José, he is my husband too.
we have in common one son we love him, also we have in common he likes to play voleyball and me too,he likes to eat pizza,seafood and me too, but we absolutely hate the soup arracacha.
Addictionally we really love romantic music, we are happy together and we enjoy life also we are quite good making love.
I love Jose´s qualities , he is fantastic, cute, sincere and unconditional.

Finally, I love Josè , because he is very special with me .

By Lina Zapata


According to with I commented you in pass class, I have some friends, but of all them, my best friend is Bibiana. I want talk you about our friendship.
We have a good friendship. She has many qualities that become her in a great person for me. I met her since 6 years ago in Moe´s bar. We really love rock music, above all Ska, punk and reggae music. 
I love her, because she is unconditional for me, always she is with me. When I make a mistake, she advises me. By the way, she is really honest, maybe she can make me cry, but I know that she doing it because she loves me too.
She understands all of me, she knows both my qualities as my defects, however, between these, she prefers to stay with my positive aspects.  For that, we don´t have enough time for false discussions and lies. We are really into talk about our problems with all honesty.
Moreover, we like cool moments. We are quite good for fun us, for example, to camp, go to concerts, listen to music or simply be relaxed are my favorites plans and Bibiana´s too. 
After all that I told you about my friendship with Bibiana, I want quote a Kurt Cobain´s sentence: “The authentic friend is who knows whole about you, and remains you friend”.
That is all. I hope that you like it.

Greetings for all.



MARY my best friend.

She is always ready to spend some time listen to my problems and any other concern that I have.

I consider that she is a generous person, because she doesn’t have any problem sharing her knowledge with anyone, on few words she is a
trustworthy person. She is a caring  person, she is always beside me, in good times and bad times, making me laugh when I’m in a bad mood.

She is very talkative and offer’s  me support  whit very nice and kind words.  We enjoy going on vacation, because we travel a lot. I’m  glad for the opportunity of meeting  someone like her and I also feel  really proud  of her friendship.

Finally Mary is unconditional, tolerant, comprehensive, funny, solidary and honest.

We have many things in common. Mary likes the candy specially the chocolate and me too. She has one brother and me too. She no has sister and me neither. She have twenty two years old, and me too.

She absolutely hates eat tongue, and me too. We don't have enough time for play basketball.

Luz Saider´s homework

Hello teacher and classmates, I today will do them a summary of who is my best friend. Since four  years ago She always has been with me, in happy times and in sad times; we know quite a lot about health; she really loves to help people and me too, she absolutely hate abuse and me too, she can`t bear  injustice and me either. When we are together, in the work or in the free times, we are really into speak about our things; we are quite good singing and we don´t have enough time for cook, we prefer go out to dinner or we ask for delivery service. Bye, see you next Tuesday..



My best friend  Jessi lives in Monteria, we met when we studied in the school, actually, She is english teacher and I am doctor, we really love the vallenato music, especially Peter Manjarez. When I go to Monteria, we go out to the some parties with other friends, we are quite good to enjoy stay together, we don´t have enough time for the mathematics or politics, because we absolutely  hate it.

We are the best friends, maybe we aren´t together many time but she and me talk frequently, and we are very important in our life. If I am sad, jessi call me or send a e-mail, but always She stay with me and I am always with she too.


Sandra is my best friend, but I have other good friends too.
I have other four friends, also, They have many qualities.

  • Mario is my friend since nine years ago. I met him in my job; we worked together for two years.
He is sympatic, friendly and very honest.
Mario and me really love pets, he has a big dog and me too.

  • Caliche is my other man friend, he is a lawyer. We met us in the work too since ten years ago. We see us little, but, really we are good friends. He helps me when I have legal problems in my job.
Caliche is a sincere man and he absolutely hates politics.

  • Anyway, Aracelly is my workmate since thirteen years ago; she knows me  too much, because always we are together. She cheers up me when I am sad. She is married. She is a secretary in my office. Aracelly is responsible, funny and tolerant.
She doesn’t have enough time for board games  and me either.

  • On the other hand, I will talk about Any. She is a public accountant and me too; she is single and me too. We know quite a lot about of finances.
On weekends, we are really into shopping.

In conclusion they are very special, men or women contribute important things in my life…..It’s wonderful to have friends.

Juan Diego

Hello classmate, in this week we talked of our best friend, we describe qualities and hobbies.

a short summary:

brisa is my other best friend, she is not good adviser but she is very funny an her love is inconditional.

She knows when i´m sad.

She is a dog, but she is more reliable than many humans.

Also we talked of different expressions to refer at our liked, for example:

We really love rock music
We really hate betraying
We know quite a lot about climbing

Thanks to all





martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

COURSE 5: Juan Diego

Course five

Hello, mi name is Juan diego, I am the only man in the English class, I like that.

The Thursday in class we talk about things in common with our fellow, for example:

Things in common with erika:

we have in common that we have two brothers
we have in common that we don't know name mean
I have dinner whit my family every day end Erika has too

thanks to all.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Leidy Marin!!

I have a very good friend.

Her name is Sandra. She lives in Guatape and I live in Guatape too. I like to listen to music with her, I like pop music and she likes too. On Sundays we like to have lunch near the lake.
But for dessert I don’t like chocolates, because I usually feel sick or I have a headache so I prefer to eat something that don’t have chocolate  and Sandra does not eat chocolates either.
At nights, we go and talk about a boy that she likes very much, and I ask Sandra what she thinks about him.
She tells me that she needs to either engage with him or tell him that she loves him and ask him to wait for her
Last year, the boy invited Sandra and me too, we went out
Sandra liked very much went out with him and me too
Because he is a boy friendly.
I liked to go out very much, but I didn’t like very much the rainy weather, and Sandra didn't like it either, she said it was too cold. Then we went back to my house and we had a very day. We have many things in common and so that is why I spend my time with my friend Sandra.

MY homework by Ibeth Londoño

Hello! I am Ibeth
The last week I learned... that say things in common,
This is my homework

My best friend is Jessi
Jessi is from Monteria and me too
She is not married and me neither
I love  vallenato music and she loves too, we have in common that we have two brothers,  my grandmother´s name is Teresa and the name of her Grandmother too,
Jessi and I we have in common a lot of friends as Ingrid, Lili, and Carmen, we studied school in Monteria, I don´t have son and she doesn´t have neither.
For these reasons we are the best friends

First week.

Things in common with my boyfriend.

My name is Vanessa. My boyfriend’s  name is Julian. 

My boyfriend is a person helpful, me too. He lived in Tolima, me too. He studied law, me too. We like travel and share with our family.  His father died, my father too. He don´t have sisters, me neither. 

Between other things.


Hi guys. What´s up?
My name is Paula. I have a couple of friends, but my best friend is Bibiana.
She and I are very different; however we have some things in common.
She and I are friends five years ago. I live in Itagüi and she too. She is an athlete girl, she studies professional sports, but I don´t like do sport or something, Anyway, she think the same about my profession, she doesn´t like neither.
We have in common that we like rock music and we go to the same bar on weekends. On vacations I go to camp to Santa Elena and she too. We had fun when we can be relaxed.   
Our families are similar too, because I don´t have brothers and she neither.
Anymay, she is a great friend...
Well I think so that it is all.
Greetings to all.


A. Hello, what’s your name?

B. Hello, my name is Mary Luz.

A. Really? My first name is Luz too. Where are you from?

B. I’m from Bogota, and you?

A. I’m from Medellin, but my parents are from Bogota too.

B. I love Bogota, I worked in Bogota four years ago, but It’s very cold and
I’m asthmatic.

A. Well, I can’t either to live in the cold, I’m allergic.

B.  Do you come here a lot?

A. Yes, I work here, I’m a doctor.

B. Nice, I work here too, I’m a Bacteriology and I’m  studying English  in

A. Oh, really? Me too. I’m studying English at the Colombo; but I don’t have
anybody to practice it.

B. Me neither, so can we to practice together?

A. Yeah, we can. See you tomorrow.

B. Ok, bye.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011


 I am Lina. I have a wonderful family.
My son´s name is Juan Pablo and my husband´s name is José.

We have in common that they are very special and me too.
They´re not a sports fan and me neither.
They love shopping and me too.
They love ice cream and me too.

if you want to know about my family write me because I have a lot of sleep..

See you next week.

Best regards.

My day...

Hello classmates,
I am Erika, today Saturday I am working with Any.  She is a public accountant and me too. We have in commont that we are funny. I don’t like to work on weekends and Any neither, but, There are many work in my office.
Now, I go at home because I am tired, and tomorrow  I work too.
Anyway, when I arrive, I go to read the book named “The crazy”.
Ok, Good night.


Hi everybody!

I tell you about my best friend. Her name is Yalile, she lives in Bogota, She is 32 years old and I am 32 years old too, although my brithday is June 4 and her birthday was on January 21.

Additional, We have in common that Yalile loves the chocolates and me too. Her hair is long, streight and brown and my hair is long, streight and brown too.

We have in common that we are the big sisters in our families too.

It's all because I could talk to you about her all night.

Many thanks.

See you the next tuesday, bye.
